
Russian chip industry FAQ

Q.Is Zelenograd similar to US Silicon Valley with its pros and cons? The pro is usually the density of engineers and professionals and the con is usually the heavy competition for human resources and therefore driving salaries up ? ... and resulting in a lack of human resources?
A.Yes, Zelenograd is similar to US SV only with high density of electronics professionals. The sums of $$ coming to Zelenograd are funny compared to US SV. Reasons are well described in Sergey Shisharin's articles http://www.unicore.ru/index.php/fuseaction/publications/short_language/en.
Lack of human resources rapidly compensated by newcomers from the all ends of Russia and abroad.

Q.Are there other less competitive area with a good source of engineers? These are usually near good universities.
A.Good engineer can't find job far from Moscow. It can gives work for everyone in Russia, Ukrain, Belorussia. Competetiveness is small. I can find no one local newspaper ad about electronic professional need in Zelenograd press. Look for example to online versions of local press http://www.zelen.ru or oficials site http://zelao.ru/notices.php?page=1&id_part=35)
Good universities where teaching to design chip are located mostly in Moscow (near 5), St. Petersburg (1-2), Novosibirsk (1). In universities high popularity has FPGA designers team.

Current absence in high tech policy in Russia do not plays main role in quality of education. It's wonderful, young engineers in Russia make high level job! Every our project in small designers team was doing with valuable help from 2-3 post graduated students.
Indeed, this young people are sons and daugthers of first Zelenograd citisens who got engineering as family profession. Everybody has PCs and surfing WEB forums such like http://www.telesys.ru/wwwboards/mcontrol/index.shtml (archive contain near thousand post pages - http://www.telesys.ru/wwwboards/fpga/index.shtml )
Self-education brings IT-related work and gives some extra money for teens.

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